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Same as the basic terms list in that this is mainly focused on human tracking with some terminology crossover to tracking animals.




Accidental Damage Characteristics - Random features such as nicks, cuts and gouges made to the out sole during wear, or, deposited before molding.


Action Bound Traits/Body Bound Traits - Both body-bound traits and action-bound traits are manifest through the primary movement patterns and secondary movement patterns of locomotor and psychomotor behavioral programming. They achieve optimal integration and therefore concentration for all loco and psychomotor behavioral programming through interfacing abdominal tensing with abdominal breathing.


Aerial Travel Points - The downward and upward line of foot travel leading from the ground to the apex of foot arc and the return to ground.


Alarm Response - In unification of cognition and conation, intent is made possible through affection (MIST). As the senses cast and the mind perceives environmental factors, the alarm reaction functions to initiate the general adaptive syndrome should it be necessary. The general adaptive syndrome prepares physically for survivability through ―fight or flight response. As alarm reaction is interdicted or inhibited by the override of the neocortex through special hormones to block precipitation, when completely blocked imperturbable-mind state is achieved; when partially blocked steadfast-mind state is achieved. When the complete failure to block alarm, reaction is manifest the mind produces fear, panic, and rage. Achieving imperturbable-mind state or steadfast-mind state, the mind is adaptive. Without imperturbable-mind state or steadfast-mind state, the mind is maladaptive.


Apex of Foot Arc - The highest point of foot elevation from one step to another during swing period of the gait cycle.


Apex Step Estimate – The measurable calculation of apex height during swing period of the gait cycle during human locomotion.


Archaeospoorology – The study of spoorologic occurrences of the past. Thus, primitive or ancient. Since all traces of human behavior are encrypted before their finding, Archaeospoorology is the science of studying past track and trackways artifacts within the cultural landscape generally—both paleo(fossil) as well as neo(modern). See also Ichnoarchaeology.


Associative - A determination that the area under examination shares some features with the known shoe, or, any other shoe having the same physical, size, mold, design, and pattern features.


Associated Sign - Sign a quarry leaves along its trail other than its tracks.


Asymmetrical gaits - There is an uneven spacing of footfalls and the right half of the track pattern differs from the left.


Backing - Walking backward in all attempt to camouflage the actual track by presenting an incorrect direction of travel. A Soft counter-tracking method.


Behavior, Gait, Spoor Paradigm - The human body will not move until a force is applied against the bodies resting state and once the body is in motion it will continue in that linear motion until affected by force. The very force applied is the internal cognition and volition of the brain to force the motion of the body to action. This expresses the minds will through motion, which produces relevant body motions including gait and the subsequent gait-footfall sequence of the spoor-chain signature.


Body Bound Traits/Action Bound Traits - Both body-bound traits and action-bound traits are manifest through the primary movement patterns and secondary movement patterns of locomotor and psychomotor behavioral programming. They achieve optimal integration and therefore concentration for all loco and psychomotor behavioral programming through interfacing abdominal tensing with abdominal breathing.


Brain Bound Traits - All environmental perceptions are received by the mind through the casting of the senses. Since the environment is not stagnant, thus ever changing, the natural interaction of the physical body to the environment is monitored through the mind by the brain. The mind ‘s conation is reconciled by cognition. It is the study of this process in determining quarry action tonification or action sedation given interaction with the environment, which implicates overt behavior congruent with the mind ‘s intent as it is engraved in the substrate.


Bipedal - Moving on two feet.


Bipedal Support - When both feet are simultaneously in the stance period, it is bipedal support or double support.


Class Characteristics - Intentionally created features exhibited by similar items that will be in common, generally appearing as a result of manufacture.


Collateral Spoor Area - The area out front and to the sides of the extended spoor areas in the tracker ‘s triangle where the tracker is looking to trail the quarry. These two areas included with the main ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle help to isolate the known track line.


Comparative Examination - A process of analysis in which an item of unknown origin designated as the questioned item, is compared by its features to objects designated as known standards. This is a process in which conclusions of limitation, distinction, elimination, and identification can be demonstrated and verified.


Conclusive Sign - Spoor that when considered on its own, can with no doubt, be linked to the quarry being tracked.


Cone of Entry/Exit – The swing period within the gait cycle produces the time ascension from terminal point to apex of foot arc and time descension from apex of foot arc to impact point. 


Confirmatory evidence - When following aerial spoor, the tracker must constantly look for ground spoor or other sign to confirm the disturbance being followed was made by the quarry.


Consistency of Sign - The tendency of spoor evidence to remain relatively the same, or similar, throughout each step, in an area where the conditions do not change significantly.


Continuity of Sign - The evidence of footfalls in proper sequence along a line of sign, generally unidentifiable.


Corroborate Sign - Spoor that is not decisively human and could have been caused by another animal. Not conclusive on its own but is used with other evidence to make conclusive decisions.


Damage Accidental Characteristics - Random features such as nicks, cuts and gouges made to the out sole during wear, or, deposited before molding.


Degree of Wear - The extent that a particular portion of the shoe has been worn.


Diagnostic - Identification of spoor, characteristics, etc.


Direct Visual Observation – Visual observation of actual human movement in real time. DVO allows a mental picture of primary and secondary human movement patterns from which to connect non-visual observation from the GFS and SCS.


Distortion - An unclear or inaccurate representation of the shoe outsole in the depression due to interference with the impression making process. There are landscape (LID), mechanical (MID), self-imposed (SID), and weather (WID).


Diverge - To move or extend in different directions from a common point.


Doorway - A natural construction in nature, such as trees or rocks, which presents an opening to walk through similar to a door. One of the ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle.


Eight Adaptive Traits - The eight adaptive traits network but do not intersect. Thus, the interface of the eight adaptive traits become greater than the totality of all quantities. Eight adaptive traits manifestations; therefore, exist physically in the primary movement and secondary movement patterns.


Elimination Method - This method is application of the process of working outside in. The trail can be maintained by eliminating where the quarry did not go. This method is used when the trail is over hard to read substrate.

Endemic - Native or limited to a particular location.


Enhancement - Chemical, photographic or physical means used to render an impression visible or more distinctive in appearance.


Epidermis- The outermost layer or layers of the body.


Erroneous Association - The incorrect determination that the unknown impression and the known shoe sufficiently share features in the category(s) of pattern, size, design, and/or wear features.


Erroneous Identification - The incorrect determination that the unknown impression was made by a known shoe.


Evader Class Characteristics – The three characteristics of observation within the track line that produce the mind of a quarry to whether they are knowledgeable of tracker capabilities and are moving congruent to evade a tracker.


Extended Spoor Area - The area in front of the Primary Spoor area or the farthest most point in the tracker ‘s triangle where the tracker is looking to trail the quarry. One of the ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle.


Fluctuating Pressure Releases–This GCP category indicates quarry locomotor behavioral programming action. For instance, establishing the baseline through spoor platting; to include, all variable trail patterns walking, running, stopping, turning, falling, milling, hesitancies, acceleration, deceleration, etc.


Foot Horizontal Drag –


Foot Impression Reference Matrix - Take the foot measurement analysis and apply it to the Foot Impression Reference Matrix. This gives a ballpark figure of the height, weight, and shoe size of the quarry followed. The shoe range identifies the range of show sizes to height and weight, height range identifies the height to show size and weight, and the weight range identifies the weight to shoe size and height.


Foot Vertical Lift – The terminal point of stance period within the gait cycle enabling the swing period to begin. The actual lifting of the foot from the ground.


Fore – front


Fore foot - The leading foot in a two-step set.


Forensic Spoorology - Forensic Spoorology is application of advanced tracking skills to collect track evidence to apply it in a court setting.


Forward Observable Spoor – All spoor that can be seen beyond the LKT and TLE.


Gait - The pace that is traveled during human locomotion; The position of the footprints in relation to each other; Each gait leaves a coordinated pattern of movements.


Gait Cycle - The period of time from one event (usually initial contact) of one foot to the following occurrence of the same event with the same foot.


Gait Cycle Normalization - A method used to achieve uniform representation of the gait cycle (or any part thereof) for the purposes of comparison or averaging data across subjects. The usual method is based on representation of a percentage of the complete cycle or percentage of stance or swing phase.


Gait-Footfall Sequence – The establishment of human locomotion credibility to the observation of spoor evidence because an understanding of gait is the window to know human locomotion, the foot platform that accepts locomotion and provides structural stability, and the thoughts that project the causes of human movement. All human gait patterns inscribed in a substrate isolate classification of human primary and secondary movement for the purpose of recognizing people by their gait from a distance through linking non-visual observation of a spoor-chain signature to a direct visual observation within the GFS.


Gait Periods/Periods of Gate – The gait cycle has two periods known as stance and swing.


Gait Phases/Phases of Gait – The gait cycle may be further divided into specific sub phases related to normal function; initial contact, loading response, mid stance, terminal stance, pre-swing, initial swing, mid swing and terminal swing.


Gait Platting – The mapping out of the gait cycle.


Gait Stride - The distance from initial contact of one foot to the following initial contact of the same foot. Also see outside stride.


Gait Tasks/Tasks of Gait – The gait cycle has three tasks known as weight acceptance, single limb support, and limb advancement.


Gateway - A natural construction in nature, such as trees or rocks, which presents an opening to walk through similar to a gate. One of the ten parts of the tracker‘s triangle.


General Adaptive Syndrome - The ―fight or flight— response to object stress is a three-phase process from the initiation phase of the response in the AR to the final stage of energy depletion, exhaustion, and collapse.


General Class Characteristics - Basic design features in an outsole pattern that are totally indistinguishable between different outsoles.


General Inhibition Syndrome – The GIS is operated by the parasympathetic nervous system, which function is to decrease the physiological and metabolic parameters, which produces adaptation within alarm reaction. Example: The axis between both the GAS and GIS suggests the normal physiological and metabolic parameters both during repose and during exertion. Since the body must maintain a homeostatic environment for survival existence within the locomotor and psychomotor behavioral programming, it is not surprising that there is both input and output, which exists between the mind and body; between the body and environment; and, between mind and environment. In both GAS and GIS, the quarry can either be adaptive or maladaptive should the traits fail to function to standard. This is projected through the locomotor apparatus of gait-footfall sequences and registered into the substrate by the spoor-chain signature.


Ground Contact Points - (1) The visual points within and around the print which tells how the quarry foot contacted the surface soil and vegetation. (2) Physical disturbances found in and around a track, which indicate action such as pressure, speed, twisting etc. There are indicator pressure releases and fluctuating pressure releases.


Ground Spoor - Any imprints, mark, indentations, transfers or vegetative damage found on the ground which can be positively identified as a disturbance left by the quarry you are tracking. Also known as bottom spoor.


Head, Arms, Torso - A qualitative visual description of an individual's upper extremities, pelvis, trunk, arms, and head motion during ambulation.


Hind – back


Hind Foot - The trailing foot in a two-step sequence.


Human Behavior Identification - Human behavior identification is achieving the sign story as to either locomotor or psychomotor behavior through OCISE algorithm application. All primary and secondary movement patterns are contained within both locomotor and psychomotor behavior. Utilizing the eight adaptive traits through the manifest adaptive traits, once a baseline is attained, allows the tracker to understand the mind of the quarry through the gait-footfall sequences registered in the spoor-chain signature. This leads the tracker through experience of scientific, technical, and specialized skills to the intent or ―mind of the movement to gain proportionality, additivity, output to input constancy, with conclusive and deterministic extrapolations. Any primary and secondary movement pattern indicator pressure releases or fluctuating pressure releases is unique in its pattern to a trackmaker and establishes the gait-footfall sequences and its subsidiaries of movement implicating the mind to the spoor-chain signature.


Ichnoarchaeology - The study of spoorologic occurrences of the past. Thus, track, footstep, spoor. Since all traces of human behavior are encrypted before their finding, Ichnoarchaeology is the science of studying past track and trackways artifacts within the cultural landscape generally—both paleo(fossil) as well as neo(modern). See also Archaeospoorology.


Identification - The determination that an area under examination on the unknown impression was made by the known shoe to the exclusion of all other shoes.

Impact Point - The precise point the foot makes contact with the ground and usually reveals the most distinctive information.


Impact Point Gradient - The angle of foot movement from the apex downward to contact with the ground.


Imperturbable-Mind State – See Manifest Imperturbable-Mind State.


Incident Reconstruction Area – A field isolation area from which to control parameters to glean sufficient spoor evidence from each trackmaker through NVO to establish identity of the trackmaker, to re-establish baseline to the spoor-chain signature, and to form human behavior identification through OCISE.


Index Comparative Analysis – The process by which a tracker evaluates the age of spoor by introducing the current time next to the unknown spoor in the same substrate. This assists in determining track age and gleaning a track erosion computation.


Indicator Pressure Releases - This GCP category indicates quarry identity and/or psychomotor behavioral programming condition. For instance, finding a class 1 print would be an IPR that the spoor was human. Further detail as to the condition of the human spoor would indicate that the human was male or female, that they had a leg injury, that they are left or right eye dominant, or perhaps that the human has a phobia (fear), is out of control, is very calculating, etc.


Individual Characteristics - Those characteristics which are unique to a given object and set it apart from similar objects; Randomly created features that are individualistic, peculiar and/or distinguishing to a specific outsole. These appear as a result of wear and use of footwear.


Initial Contact Phase – The point in the gait cycle when the foot initially makes contact with the ground; This represents the beginning of the stance phase. Initial contact consists of the first 3% of the gait cycle. Heel strike is not a term applicable in the description of many spoorologic conditions with gait analysis as in many circumstances initial contact is not made with the heel. Alternative Term: foot strike.


Initial Swing Phase – Initial swing goes from 62-75% of the gait cycle. During initial swing, the hip, knee, and ankle are flexed to begin advancement of the limb forward and create clearance of the foot over the ground. The initial third of the swing phase as defined from toe-off to when the swing limb foot is opposite the stance limb.

Innate Adaptive Trait(s) - The adaptive traits assist innately both locomotor behavioral programming and psychomotor behavioral programming. The interaction of the adaptive traits within the context of human locomotion substantiates the totality necessary for the applied synergy to the manifest adaptive traits during locomotion. See also Manifest Adaptive Traits.


Intermittent Attention - A constant refocusing between minute details of the track (Micro)and the whole pattern of the environment (Macro).


Knowledge of Quarry – The cumulative collection of all information about a quarry that can be gleaned from all sources, i.e., witnesses, spoor, etc.


Known Footwear - The shoe(s) of known origin that is/are compared to a questioned footwear impression.


Latent footwear impression - A questioned or unknown two-dimensional footwear impression that is to be compared to the known footwear impression.


Lift - The process of transferring an impression from its original surface to a transportable surface, for the purpose of its preparation for comparative examination.


Limited Class Characteristics - Manufacture or design features that can separate an object from others in its class. Limiting features or variations that can reduce the field of possible known candidates.


Limited Value for Comparison - Some aspect of the impression, or, the recovery process has limited the extent to which the impression may be compared to the known standard.


Linear Search Pattern – A method of visual searching that uses line or direct principles to organize collection of observable data.


Loco-Motor Anomaly – Any differences in loco-motor performance during ambulation.


Loco-Motor Behavioral Programming - Normal Walking Gait is considered a primary movement pattern, which is complex due to the maturing of the nervous system during development. Since humans choose innately the normal walking gait for conservation of energy during locomotion it is the primary movement pattern of all humans.


Loco-Motor Platform – The LMP consists of the lower extremities of a body during ambulation from the pelvis to the feet.


Loading Response Phase – The initial double support stance period which is defined from initial contact (0%) to 12% of the gait cycle. Loading response goes from 3-12% of the gait cycle. In this portion, the knee flexes slightly in order to absorb shock as the foot falls flat on the ground, stabilizing in advance of single limb support.


Macro Class Characteristic – Macro Class Characteristics establishment of human primary and secondary movement patterns in order to log the original innate class by confirmation along the gait-footfall sequence thus identifying match continuity from one GFS for deconfliction purposes from all others.


Macro Identifying Characteristic - Macro Identifying Characteristics, which are randomly crafted into human movement patterns through individual selection, which alters the innate human application of locomotion based on external input to the loco-motor system.


Manifest Abdominal Trait - Manifest abdominal trait unites the torso consolidating the bio-mechanical exertions of the locomotor platform and the head, arms, and torso.


Manifest Adaptive Traits - The manifest adaptive traits refer to the behavioral expression of malleable traits of existence, which develop throughout the bio-social evolution of the quarry. The manifest adaptive traits, as expressions of neuro-physiological-anatomical processes, are locomotor and psychomotor presentations of the probable intrinsics of and in each quarry. The manifest adaptive traits are mediated either by primary movement or secondary movement patterns (system bound or system free).


Manifest Cognitive/Intuitive Trait - The manifest cognitive/intuitive trait suggests that the brain perceptively collects data from the environment for, which the quarry is imbedded and evaluates what is collected by the complex interaction between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The manifest cognitive/intuitive trait perceives the environment and negotiates and resolves complexities of human movement both cognitively and intuitively.


Manifest Force-Yield Trait - This trait interacts with manifest omni-poise trait by investing in primary and secondary movement patterns suggesting an interplay between applying force or yielding to force in conjunction to quarry objectives (strategic, operational, tactical).

Manifest Imperturbable Mind/Steadfast-Mind Trait - Manifest imperturbable mind/steadfast mind trait is the glue, which binds manifest cognitive/intuitive trait and manifest volitional trait and solidifies the effective use of both within the context of human locomotion. In manifest imperturbable mind/steadfast mind trait, both innate and manifest are imbedded deep within human inherent instinct for survival. This perpetuates the manifest imperturbable mind/steadfast mind trait induction through the neo-cortex for interdiction of the alarm reaction during environmental perceptions, which invokes either imperturbable mind state or steadfast mind state to maintain the baseline through the spoor-chain signature or to deviate based on manifest volitional trait.


Manifest Omni-poise Trait - Manifest omni-poise trait is the point of origin for all human locomotion. It is exemplified through the natural posture of standing upright. Both stability and mobility intersect at the natural posture and forms the baseline for all locomotion. Stability or standing in place is seen as potential energy from, which kinetic energy will emerge. Mobility conversely characterizes the change from potential to kinetic energy with, which human movement progression is stimulated. Mobility also suggests a return to stability should either kinetic energy deplete or motive suggest conservation due to mobility interaction with gravitational forces for, which stability mediates balance when displacement alters locomotor or psychomotor behavioral programming.


Manifest Respiratory/Vocality Trait - Manifest respiratory/vocality trait assists with optimizing bio-mechanical exertion with manifest abdominal trait thus achieving unity of effort in moving the locomotor platform and the head, arms, and torso.


Manifest Synchronicity Trait - This trait is a design manifestation of primary and secondary movement patterns suggesting interaction of time and space congruent to achieving an objective. There is a coordination sequencing when manifest omni-poise trait, Manifest force-yield trait are implemented with manifest synchronicity trait. In order to synchronize bio-mechanical expressions an understanding of locomotor platform and head, arms, and torso structures and functions in relation to the quarry objectives must be anticipated.


Manifest Volitional Trait - The manifest volitional trait is learned locomotor and psychomotor behavioral programming based on the life-experiences and/or conditioned training of the quarry. manifest volitional trait concepts are ―determined by genetic/constitutional/ temperamental factors, and . . . presided over by the manifest imperturbable mind/steadfast-mind trait. Manifest volitional trait is the nexus between sensory-neural functions and the gait-footfall sequences effect in the environment.


Micro Class Characteristics - Micro Class Characteristics establishment of four quadrants of both right QRA and left QRA class 1 impressions in order to log the original manufacturing class by confirmation along the spoor-chain signature thus identifying match continuity from one spoor-chain signature for deconfliction purposes from all others. See also Quadrant Reference Analysis.


Micro Identifying Characteristic - Micro Identifying Characteristics, which are randomly branded into footwear through individual use, which damage alters the size, shape, orientation, and position of the original manufacturing. Note type of tread and anything unusual, which will give individual characteristics to the track such as; patterns, which indicate wear on the bottom of the shoes constant tread disruptions (cuts, abrasions, something lodged etc.) See also Print Mapping Analysis.


Midstance Phase – The first sub-phase of single limb support is midstance, which is seen during the 12-31% of the gait cycle. During midstance, the shank rotates forward over the supporting foot, creating the second rocker motion of the cycle. This maintains the forward progression of gait. This period can be identified in the vertical force pattern as beginning when the force initial peak begins to diminish and ending when the force peak reaches its lowest point between the first and second peak.


Midswing Phase – Mid-swing goes from 75-87% of the gait cycle. During mid-swing, limb advancement continues, and the thigh reaches its peak advancement. The middle third of the swing phase as defined from the time the swing foot is opposite the stance limb to when the lower leg is vertical.


Natural Lines of Drift - The lay of the land that influences human and animal movement patterns. One of the ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle.


Non-Visual Observation – Non-visual observation of actual human movement in past time. NVO allows a mental picture of primary and secondary human movement patterns from which to connect to from all the neuro-synaptic memories of DVO from the GFS and SCS.


Normal Walk Gait - The common movement application of locomotor movement.


Observation, Classification, Interpretation of Spoor Evidence - The OCISE algorithm has three main sections broken down by OCISE functions. The first function relates to spoor platting (last known spoor/trackers triangle, ground contact points, and aerial travel points), the next function relates to gait platting (gait analysis, gait enablers, and gait deviation), and the final function relates to behavior platting (behavioral analysis). Within the OCISE, functions there are twelve functioning sub-parts defining spoor characteristics, which isolate unique data to individual specificity as well as reliable accuracy as to human behavior identification registered within the spoor-chain signature. They are classification of spoor (COS), foot measurement analysis (FMA), quadrant reference analysis (QRA), foot mapping analysis, micro class characteristics, micro identifying characteristics, spoor dynamics/foot roll analysis, apex of foot arc, stride and step analysis, pitch angle analysis, trail width analysis, macro class characteristics, macro identifying characteristics, trackmaker class characteristics, and innate/manifest adaptive traits.


Path of Least Resistance - The routes within nature that are easiest physically and instinctively to follow. One of the ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle.


Phalanges - Toe bones of the foot.


Pressure release - The physical deformities found in and around a track which were created by the energy of the foot as it contacted the ground and the pressure it exerted as it left the ground. There are two: indicator and fluctuating.


Preswing Phase - Pre-swing takes place during 50-62% of the gait cycle. Pre-swing is the transition phase between stance and swing, in which the foot is pushed and lifted off of the ground. The final double support stance period which is defined from the time of initial contact with the contralateral (opposite side) limb to ipsilateral (same side) toe-off. Pre-swing begins when the vertical force reaches the apex of its second peak and ends when there is no long a vertical force.


Primary Movement Pattern – A pattern of human movement, which is not learned, but naturally develops as greater motor control arises in the maturing nervous system.  


Primary Spoor Area - The area of correct size and location in relationship to other spoor, in which the next spoor should be located. One of the ten parts of the tracker ‘s triangle.


Psycho-Motor Anomaly - Any differences in psycho-motor performance during ambulation.


Psycho-Motor Behavioral Programming - All outward movement is a stamp of an inward thought or emotion, and therefore registers within the spoor-chain signature all the emotions and thoughts as ground contact point indicator pressure releases or fluctuating pressure releases. It matters not whether the outward movements of the quarry are prompted by instincts, emotions, or thoughts; if the human body acts upon the innervations, the biomechanical system must accommodate the impulse. Therefore, in either primary movement patterns or secondary movement patterns the eight adaptive traits are manifest as psychomotor behavioral programs. The ground contact points register the indicator pressure releases and fluctuating pressure releases as an emotion or thought encrypted into the spoor-chain signature waiting for only the tracker to observe, classify, and interpret.


Quadrant Reference Analysis - QRA is the Micro Class Characteristics establishment of four quadrants of both right QRA and left QRA class 1 impressions in order to log the original manufacturing class by confirmation along the spoor-chain signature thus identifying match continuity from one spoor-chain signature for deconfliction purposes from all others. This gives eight total quadrants for continues confirmation. The tracker should be able to take the original drawing of the class 1 prints and while following the spoor-chain signature match all future class 1-3 prints with the original thus piecing the quadrants together like a puzzle for exact spoor-chain signature confirmation.


Quarry Physical Condition – QPC refers to the quarry ability to physically function to a delineated standard during ongoing assessments during a track.


Register Deviation Anomaly - This is the analysis of all deviations from the normal movement of the quarry. Must be analyzed from macro to micro.


Rotatory – Circle


Rota Search Pattern - A method of visual searching that uses circular or rounded principles to organize collection of observable data.


Scatology - The science of studying scat.


Secondary Movement Pattern – A pattern of human movement requiring training to learn the combined movements and to enhance motor control.


Secondary Spoor Area - The area next to the Primary Spoor Area on both sides within the tracker ‘s triangle.


Single Limb Support Task – The period of time when only one foot is in contact with the ground. Single limb support involves progression of the body over the foot and weight-bearing stability. In walking, this is equal to the swing phase of the other limb which is 13 to 50% of the gait cycle.


Slope Topography Analysis – The analysis of terrain based on its effect on human movement and the inherent spoor that must be retained given substrate, vegetation, hydrology, etc.


Spoor Analysis Lane – A field isolation lane from which to control parameters to glean sufficient spoor evidence from each trackmaker through DVO.


Spoor-Chain Signature - The spoor-chain signature, which is the signature of the gait cycle scripted into the substrate, contains two main measurements. The step is the distance between each foot (opposite feet or left to right or right to left) and is measured from the terminal point of one foot to the impact point of the other foot in succession. The stride is the distance between the same foot (right to right and left to left) and is measured from the terminal point of one foot to the impact point of the same foot in succession.


Spoorology - The science of studying spoor evidence. Spoorology (human behavior, locomotion, and spoor), then is the scientific study of spoor. Spoor evidence comes from the human body ‘s functional task of maintaining kinetic stability during locomotion, which during forward progression transfers weight, which either foot must accept, before limb support or limb advancement can occur in succession. These footfall impressions are what every tracker observes, classifies-and with advanced scientific study-interprets to glean the behaviors of a quarry.


Stance Period – The period of time when the foot is in contact with the ground. Approximately 62% of the Gate Cycle. Includes: Toe-off—When terminal contact is made with the toe. Foot-flat—The point in time in stance phase when the foot is plantar grade. Heel-off—The point in time in stance phase when the heel leaves the ground.


Steadfast-Mind State – See Manifest Imperturbable Mind/Steadfast-Mind Trait.


Step - Measurement from the tip of the toe to the back of the heel on the next step. Stride increases with speed.


Stride and Step Analysis - The spoor-chain signature, which is the signature of the gait cycle scripted into the substrate, contains two measurements. The step is the distance between each foot (opposite feet or left to right or right to left) and is measured from the terminal point of one foot to the impact point of the other foot in succession. The stride is the distance between the same foot (right to right and left to left) and is measured from the terminal point of one foot to the impact point of the same foot in succession.


Substantiating Sign - Spoor, which is insufficient in itself, without other confirming factors, to prove it was made by the quarry being tracked.


Swing Period – The objectives of swing period is for foot clearance over the ground, forward swing of the limb, and preparation of limb for stance. Thus, the period of time (50-100%) when the foot is not in contact with the ground. In those cases where the foot never leaves the ground (foot drag) it can be defined as the phase when all portions of the foot are in forward motion. Consists of four phases: Pre-swing, Initial swing, Mid-swing, and Terminal swing.


Symmetrical - There is an even spacing of footfalls and the right half of the track pattern differs from the left.


Symmetrical gate - The interval between footfalls is evenly spaced, and spoor patterns are symmetrical for the right and left sides of the trail.


Sympathetic Spoor – Spoor that is left intentionally at that location for a specific purpose. Also known as intentional spoor.


Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures - Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures are specific terms which originated in the Department of Defense and have been used for many years to describe military operations. Tactics are the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. Techniques are the non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions, functions, or tasks. Procedures are the standards, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks.


Templates - Various shapes colors and textures stored in the mind ‘s eye in familiar arrangements from which you compare attractions noticed by the physical eye for identification.


Terminal Point - The point where the foot leaves the ground in preparation for the next step.


Terminal Point Gradient - The last point the foot has made contact with the ground on its upward climb to the step apex.


Terminal Stance Phase – The second stage of single support is terminal stance which goes from 31-50% of the gait cycle. During terminal stance, the center of mass advances out in front of the supporting foot. The heel raises off the ground as you roll onto the ball of the foot, creating the third rocker motion of the cycle. The point in the gait cycle when the foot leaves the ground: this represents the end of the stance phase or the beginning of swing phase. Also referred to as foot off.


Terminal Swing Phase – Terminal swing is the final phase of the gait cycle going from 87-100% of the cycle. During terminal swing, the final advancement of the shank takes place and the foot is positioned for initial foot contact to start the next gait cycle. Thus, the final third of the swing phase as defined from the time when the lower leg is vertical to initial contact. The termination of swing and the onset of stance may be defined as the point when the foot ends motion relative to the substrate.


Three dimensional impressions - Where an object presses into something soft which retains the impression of that object.


Tracker ‘s Triangle - The first step in LTP ‘s. The tracker uses the tracker ‘s triangle to superimpose the mental image upon the trail which allows the tracker a mental formula to maintain the trail at all times.


Transverse – Cross


Transverse Search Pattern - A method of visual searching that uses cross or intersecting principles to organize collection of observable data.


Transitions - Spoor patterns or gaits that are altered due to; a change of speed, gait, direction or uneven surfaces.


Two-Dimensional Impression - Where an object transfers an image to a surface.


Unipedal Support - When only one foot is on the ground within the gait cycle it is in the support phase, thus unipedal support or single support, the second foot and leg then being in swing period.


Weight Acceptance Task - The objectives of weight acceptance are to stabilize the limb, absorb shock and preserve the progression of the body. This phase can be broken down further into initial contact and loading response. For instance, in typical gait, the heel strikes the ground and initiates the rotation over the heel to foot flat to preserve progression. This motion is the first rocker of the gait cycle. 

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