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Observation (Locating, Following)

Classification (Collecting, Recording)

Interpretation (Examining, Analyzing)


ACBT Action Bound Trait(s)

AFSS Advanced Footprint Specification Sheet

AGE Age of Spoor

APEX Apex of Foot Arc

AS Aerial Spoor

AR Alarm Reaction

ASE Apex Step Estimate

AT Active Trail

ATP Aerial Travel Point(s)

BGS Behavior, Gait, Spoor

BkTM Back Trailing Method

BLE Baseline Establishment

BOBT Body Bound Trait(s)

BRBT Brain Bound Trait(s)

BRKT Bracketing

BTM Bound Trailing Method

COE/E Cone of Entry/Exit

CSA Collateral Spoor Area

CTM Cut Trailing Method

DOS Direction of Spoor

DOT Direction of Trail

DTM Deliberate Trailing Method

DVO Direct Visual Observation

DyTM Dynamic Trailing Method

EAT Eight Adaptive Traits

ESA Extended Spoor Area

EVCC Evader Class Characteristics

FHD Foot Horizontal Drag

FIRM Foot Impression Reference Matrix

FMA Foot Measurement Analysis

FOS Forward Observable Spoor

FP Flex Point

FPC Footprint Classification

FPR Fluctuating Pressure Releases

FRA Footroll Analysis

FVL Foot Vertical Lift

FWC Footwear Classification

GCP Ground Contact Points

GFS Gait-Footfall Sequencing

GHT Ground Hardness Type

GP Gait Platting

GS Ground Spoor

GVT Ground Vegetation Type

HAT Head, Arms, Torso

HBI Human Behavior Identification

IAT Innate Adaptive Trait(s)

ICA Index Comparative Analysis

ICP Initial Commencement Point

IMS Imperturbable-Mind State

ICP Initial Commencement Point

IP Impact Point

IPG Impact Point Gradient

IPR Indicator Pressure Releases

IPT Intelligence Preparation of the Trail

IRA Incident Reconstruction Area

IS Inside Stride (RIS Right & LIS Left)

IT Inactive Trail

ITA Initial Trail Assessment

KNQ Knowledge of Quarry

LID Landscape-Imposed Distortion

LITDSC Litter Discipline Classification

LKP Last Known Point

LKS Last Known Spoor

LKT Last Known Track

LMA Loco-Motor Anomaly

LMBP Loco-Motor Behavioral Programming

LMP Loco-Motor Platform

LOS Line of Sign

LRA Left-Right Analysis

LSP Linear Search Pattern

LTP Lost Trail Procedures

MABT Manifest Abdominal Trait

MACC Macro Class Characteristic

MAIC Macro Identifying Characteristic

MAT Manifest Adaptive Trait(s)

MBS Mind, Body, Spirit

MCIT Manifest Cognitive/Intuitive Trait

MFYT Manifest Force-Yield Trait

MID Mechanical-Imposed Distortion

MIIC Micro Identifying Characteristic

MIST Manifest Imperturbability Mind/Steadfast Mind Trait

MOPT Manifest Omni-Poise Trait

MRVT Manifest Respiratory/Vocality Trait

MST Manifest Synchronicity Trait

MSZ Mechanical Stride Zero

MVT Manifest Volitional Trait

NVO Non-Visual Observation

NWG Normal Walking Gait

OCISE Observation, Classification, Interpretation of Spoor Evidence

OS Outside Stride (ROS Right & LOS Left)

OSR Observation and Spoor Recognition

PER Physical Environmental Restrictions

PLC Place of Last Contact

PLS Place Last Seen

PMA Psycho-Motor Anomaly

PMBP Psycho-Motor Behavioral Programming

POTC Post Trailing Checklist

PP Pivot Point

PSA Primary Spoor Area

PTC Pre-Trailing Checklist

QPC Quarry Physical Condition

QRA Quadrant Reference Analysis

RDA Register Deviation Anomaly

RI Route Influencer

RSP Rota Search Pattern

SAL Spoor Analysis Lane

SASA Stride and Step Analysis

SCS Spoor-Chain Signature

SCD Scout Casting Drill; see SSD

SCTOB Scout Observer

SCTOUT Scouts Out

SID Self-Imposed Distortion

SLA Sun Light Angle

SMD Stick Measuring Device ―Smiddy

SMS Steadfast-Mind State

SPD Scout Pursuit Drill

SPT Straddle, Pitch, Trough

SSA Secondary Spoor Area

SSD Scout Search Drill

STA Slope Topography Analysis

TDI Time Distance Interval

TEC Track Erosion Computation

TKR Tracker

TKRTRI Trackers Triangle

TLE Trails Leading Edge

TP Terminal Point

TPG Terminal Point Gradient

TQR Target Quarry Reference

TRA Terrain Registration Area(s)

TRKON Track On

TRIAD Triad of the Scout (TKRTRI, SCD/SSD, SPD)

TS Tertiary Spoor

TSE Time Shadow Effect

TSP Transverse Search Pattern

TTP Tactics, Techniques, Procedures

USF Uniform Scale Format

VHP Vegetation Healing Process

VSP Visual Search Pattern

VTP Variable Trail Pattern

WID Weather-Imposed Distortion

ZOE/E Zone of Entry/Exit

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