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Scout combatives are the synchronization of all weapons systems. Scout combatives are close-in survival defense against animals and humans. It is defense in overall objective but offensive in the execution of winning to live again. The ST must remain quiet when on a mission. This means any contact with the quarry and any collateral predatory circumstance from nature will be at close range. Effective, personal scout defense is required in the work of a government scout.


Scout Defense Prong


Threat Management- The ability of the SCOUT to take appropriate security measures based on the presented threat. Indicators may include:

•    Appropriately negotiates the signs and conditions of a threat force (Color code of awareness) man or animal.

•    Understands Approach, entry, and contact elements of defending self.

•    Maintains appropriate tools to employ as weapons given the presented threat.

•    Uses appropriate tools for given situations and circumstances given the current rules of engagement of location and current authority.

•    Uses action against a threat instead of reaction to maximize survivability, including an escape protocol.


Behavior Management- The ability of the SCOUT to recognize and manage its behavior under the stress of defense. Indicators may include:

•    Establishes calmness to enhance primary movement patterns for defense.

•    Maintains own defense skills congruent for all scenarios.

•    Understands the balancing of environmental input to personal output behaviors.

•    Builds own battle matrix plan and uses plan in training to meet reality.


Long Range Management- The ability of the SCOUT to fight at long range (fingertips touching and out) with man-made and improvised tools:

•    Can use firearms both handgun and rifle for defense.

•    Can use bladed and blunt weapons for defense.

•    Can use improvised weapons for defense.

•    Can use environment as a weapon.

•    Carries weapons to enhance survivability in defense.


Medium Range Management- The ability of the SCOUT to fight at medium range (fingertips to elbows) with man-made, improvised, and natural tools. Indicators may include:

•    Can collapse weapons as necessary to modify angles to continue the fight.

•    Can maintain control and retention of all weapons systems while engaged in the fight. 

•    Can transition from one weapon system to another without loss of momentum or advantage.

•    Can break entry and/or contact with threat at will.

•    Can work with another scout as a contact and cover element to enhance the advantage.


Close Range Management- The ability of the SCOUT to fight at close range (elbows to shoulders) with man-made, improvised, and natural tools. Indicators may include:

•    Can use weapons systems to make contact standing or on the ground.

•    Can use natural tools standing or on the ground.

•    Can use the anatomical targeting points (ATP) with the appropriate natural tool impact point of the scout’s body.

•    Can finish the engagement by closing with a threat once the battle is joined with any tool.

•    Can maintain a position of advantage, exploit a position of disadvantage, or break contact with the threat at will.

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