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LTR-HQ publicly became dormant as Ty conducted his professional duties serving as the first non-FBI agent to serve on an FBI Special Weapons & Tactics (SWAT) Team, where he assisted the team in scout tracking and wilderness survival skills and training. He then left the Anchorage FBI Regional SWAT Team to establish two Scout-Tracker (ST) Units for the US Marshals; one in the District of Alaska and the other in the District of Wyoming.

By the time Ty retired from U.S. Marshals in 2012, he and his tracking units had logged hundreds and hundreds of cases, but were disbanded do to lack of subject matter expertise. He brought his mastered scout (tracking, survival, and defense) skills back to LTR-HQ. The LTR-HQ is now located back in Alaska where it began; established for teaching the skills of the government scout and indigenous ways of connecting with nature.

As an ST, Ty only lives to hear the echo of nature's signals transmitted as gifts as he lives within the wilderness order. Being raised in nature, he hears Her voice and translates Her promptings into words as the stories written upon the surface canvas are revelatory exchanges between Her and his eyes as an ST.


An ST translates nature and the track into an understandable oration that exposes Her great secrets only envisioned by the connective spirit which exists between those who see through nature's eyes. We are "HELPING NATURE WITH HUMAN PROBLEMS--STEP BY STEP™ as one of our credos so succinctly delineates. Thus, observation of tracks and other signs, glean to an ST understanding of the landscape patterns, and living relationships foster environmental clarity from which the ST integrates their skills of observation, classification, and interpretation to Mother Nature's echo.


This understanding of nature is for anyone who has or desires to have such a connection to the Earth by utilizing indigenous ways of knowing in all its variability to enhance this skill whether native or non-native.

Therefore, if you want to see more of the natural world LTR HQ ALASKA brings to light the practice of scout tracking, the patterns and systems of bush survival and tracking, and how this integrates knowledge to follow a quarry (animal or human) through their tracks, signs, and trails (spoor), which also includes "tracks, scat, feathers, kills, scratching posts, trails, drag marks, sounds, scents, marking posts, the behavior of other animals, habitat cues, yes, and human discardables as well as other clues about the identity and whereabouts of a quarry.

The skilled ST is able to discern all clues, recall what transpired on the landscape, and make predictive projections about a quarry. The ST should attempt to forecast the location of the quarry's spoor to anticipate location.

All peoples that live close to the Earth have used ST skills, indigenous and non-indigenous; first, to gather food for survival sustenance, and secondly, for the protection of all members of the group.

Scout tracking has been both operationally and traditionally practiced as a force multiplier by the majority of tactical and combat units around the world as well as indigenous groups since time immemorial.


"To the quarry lies the tracker, and to the tracker lies the trail. There is always a trail."





STs trained, tested, and certified based on national standards developed by the US Marshals Service Scout Tracking School (1997-2012), and recognized by the US District Court, and now preserved at the LTR-HQ ALASKA. We continue to push ourselves daily in order to keep our skills honed to a razor's edge. Skills acquired under operational pressure on track are perishable.


This requires a great amount of continuous dedicated training, in the field, with extensive animal and human behavioral research, bush survival protocol practice, and protective defense standards while in nature.


STs are masters of their craft because of their dedication, discipline, and desire to push themselves beyond their preconceived limits. Always testing track and sign capabilities, bush survival, and protective defense to operational necessity and the national standards for tracker competency.

"Behavioral artifact in every footprint."





Hanshi's Dojo.jpg


Helping nature with human problems—step by step.



Training in the ways of the GOVERNMENT SCOUT and indigenous ways of knowing:



1. Scout tracking tactics, techniques & procedures (TTP) to read the environmental substrate to be the EYES OF NATURE and the VOICE OF THE TRACK.

2. Bush survival TTP's given the most extreme Arctic and Subarctic conditions and difficulties in circumstance--ANYWHERE.

3. Protective defense TTP's to protect yourself and family to maintain your PEACE while in nature.



Competence: This is our watchword. We know our mission tasks and will always strive to do more, with better professionalism, in all situations, and under all circumstances because THE OLD WAYS STILL WORK.

Efficiency: There is the right way to do something in nature and that is NATURES WAY. We will achieve the objective and accomplish the mission. There is no other way.

Execution: The mission has been delineated as we are the EYES OF NATURE and VOICE OF THE TRACK. We will execute all mission tasks in a professional manner with skill, honor, and integrity.

Team: The team is not only one; there is no one, always team. We accomplish the mission because of our TEAM, which is NATURE and all living things. We commit the team to every success.


LTR-HQ is accountable to the people with whom we serve—ALASKA and AMERICA. We are honorable and truthful in NATURE and EARTH MOTHER'S WAYS. We will always conduct ourselves with honor in everything, STEP BY STEP.  

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