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Experience and training are the backbones of a successful career as a professional tracker. While not all trackers will pursue Government Tracker (GT) licenses, a tracker's experience is essential for conducting any tracking operation.A Professional Tracker's Logbook is required to keep track of one's man tracking experience in an organized way. With a tracker's logbook, a man tracker can record his or her dirt time, tracking mission type, operational assignment, the location of a trailing operation, tracking training or course attendance and much more.For apprentice trackers', a log book is essential for success. Without the proper logbook, it can be difficult to receive one's GT certification license at the journeyman, senior or master tracker levels within the tracking profession. All Government Tracker examiners require proper documentation of previous experience prior to issuing a GT license.For experienced trackers', logged time tracking establishes currency and eligibility for additional certificates and ratings. The way an experienced tracker logs their operational and training time should reflect those requirements. Every tracking operation deserves an instrument to log the details of any given mission assignment. This Professional Tracker's Logbook gets this done and is the long- awaited instrument to place the professional life of the beginning and experienced tracker on paper.

Professional Tracker's Logbook (Autographed)

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