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"You were spoken of with great respect by fellow law enforcement, and with fear by suspects. Glad to see that you are still around." - Alaska Police Officer

The fascinating Kempo Jujitsu 10th Degree Black Belt promotion thesis written by Cmdr Ty "Yoda" Cunningham about his Law of the Fist known as the “Ancient Way of the Earth,” exposing for the first time many of the tenets contained in his philosophy of White Eagle. He learned and developed both his philosophy and Law of the Fist; first, while living with nature’s order as a boy in Southeast Alaska, using both, day in and day out as he confronted nature in a life and death struggle for survival, and therefore, applying both within his two professions--the U.S. Army and U.S. Marshals Service.

He delivers herein the antithesis to military, police, and martial art group therapy contained in the dogma of the greater world approach to seeking resolution of death’s door by addressing the “moment that battle is joined on death ground’ as the time to use the proverbially inappropriate “square peg for the round hole.” Its theme projects personal responsibility and isolation for conditioning each individual based on nature’s order at death’s door; instead of transferring authority to others; police, parents, husband, etc.

Should any living soul transfer responsibility to another they are transferring also their will to live should they be selected.

The world's authorities would tell you to follow man’s law to address the moment of extinction; to follow policy in man’s order for the use of force application when facing deadly force; and to, therefore, only use that force which is necessary...and no more. But this is man’s order...not nature’s order. Life and death fall within nature’s order alone, and cannot be transferred to any other authority, path, way, or construction. Therefore, if everyone individually is responsible—alone—for this moment; then everyone is also individually responsible for conditioning—alone—according to nature’s order, not man’s order. To dominate any threat and survive can only be addressed by nature’s order contained in the new science proffered herein. The Battle Output to Input Paradigm and through application of the Battle Matrix Algorithm. This is White Eagle Kempo Jujitsu!

The Kempo Codex: Law of the Fist (Autographed)

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